05 February 2020

Quattroruote day 2020

The IBM Studios in Milan today hosted Quattroruote Day 2020, an event that for 16 years has provided an eagerly awaited chance for the automotive and transport world to meet and talk. Organised in partnership with BOSCH, ENI and LOJACK, the aim of this year’s meeting was to identify and examine the new paradigms faced by the entire automotive sector in view of the ongoing evolution of transport sales and service models. 

Confirming the topicality and above all the urgency of this theme are the findings of a research study conducted exclusively for Quattroruote by Bain & Company and previewed this morning by Gianluca Di Loreto (partner of Bain & Company). The aim of the study was to explain how and why the car distribution model is changing and what consumers really expect and prefer when deciding to buy a car or use a transport service.

The event continued with an award ceremony of prizes adjudicated by Quattroruote



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